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Using marine terraces to determine crustal rheology in the Corinth Rift, Greece

Thursday 25 July 2019 at 07:44 am.

Deformed marine terraces help to constrain the mechanical behaviour of continental rift systems as well as the related seismic hazards. The unique record of onshore and offshore markers of Pleistocene ~100-ka climate cycles in the Corinth Rift (Greece), provides an outstanding possibility to constrain rift mechanics over a range of timescales. Here we use numerical models, high-resolution topography, and TerraceM to analyse the 3D geometry of a sequence of Pleistocene emerged marine terraces associated with flexural rift-flank uplift.

Example of staircase terrace analysis in Corinthos, Greece (Gelder et al., 2015. Geotectonic Research)

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