




Why mapping marine or lacustrine terraces?

Monday 17 August 2015 kl. 18:12

Marine terraces have been used since years to estimate paleo-sea-level positions and the amount of uplift experienced since their formation. Indeed, marine terraces are valuable trackers of crustal deformation along coastal areas, the information obtained from marine terraces is crucial for the understanding of seismo-tectonic segmentation, earthquake recurrence and mechanisms of crustal deformation along active coastal areas. Likewise, lacustrine terraces, formed by similar process as marine terraces have been used to study local paleoclimatic variations and deformation in continental interiors.  The study of marine terraces as benchmarks of tectonic deformation has provided first order information for adequate earthquake hazard assesments along highly-populated active coastal areas around the world ...

jujara | |

Example linkdump...

Monday 17 August 2015 kl. 17:25

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Welcome to TerraceM

Monday 17 August 2015 kl. 17:25

TerraceM is a Matlab(R) tool for the analysis of marine and lacustrine terraces using high resolution topography. TerraceM facilitates enourmously profile mapping of scarps and platforms in marine and lacustrine terrraces using swath profiles an lineal interpolations.