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TerraceM videotutorials

Tuesday 18 August 2015 at 06:23 am.

Here I include some video tutorials of terrace_2, the lastest version of terraceM, currently available in the download section. Despite TerraceM-2 contains a windows that prompt messages to guide the user into the different TerraceM-2 interfaces, we included these tutorials to help students and profesors in classroom excercises. 

TerraceM-2 Maptools, Tutorial 1: Loading a project

TerraceM-2 Maptools, Tutorial 2: Mapping shoreline angles

TerraceM-2 Maptools, Tutorial 3: Visualize results

TerraceM-2 Maptools, Tutorial 4: Surface classification model

TerraceM-2 Maptools, Tutorial 5: Export results

TerraceM-2 Maptools, Tutorial 6: Calculating uplift rates

TerraceM-2 Maptools, Tutorial 7: Scarp diffusion modeling

TerraceM-2 LEM, Tutorial 1: Creating synthetic terraces with LEM

TerraceM-2 DIM, Tutorial 1: Creating elastic dislocation model