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Pauchard, A., & M. McKinney. 2006. Introduction (Special Issue "Biological Invasions across Scales: New Insights"). Biological Invasions 8: 397-398. PDF
Pauchard, A., & K. Shea. 2006. Integrating the study of non-native plant invasions across spatial scales. Biological Invasions 8: 399-413. PDF
Pauchard, A. and Alaback, P. 2006. Edge types defines alien plant species invasions along Pinus contorta burned, highway and clearcut forest edges. Forest Ecology and Management 223: 327-335. PDF
Pauchard, A., Aguayo, M. , Peña, E. & Urrutia, R. 2006. Multiple effects of urbanization on the biodiversity of developing countries: The case of a fast-growing metropolitan area (Concepción, Chile). Biological Conservation 127: 272-281 PDF
Pauchard, A., L. Cavieres, & R. Bustamante. 2004. Comparing alien plant invasions among regions with similar climates: where to from here? Diversity & Distributions 10: 371-375. PDF *
Pauchard, A. and Alaback, P. 2004. Influence of
elevation, land use, and landscape context on patterns of alien plant invasions
along roadsides in protected areas of south-central Chile. Conservation Biology
Pauchard, A., L.
Cavieres, R. Bustamante, P. Becerra & E. Rapoport.
Increasing the understanding of plant invasions in Southern South America:
First symposium on Alien Plant Invasions in Chile. Biological Invasions 6(2):255-257
Pauchard, A., Alaback, P. and Edlund, E. 2003. Plant invasions in protected areas at multiple scales: Linaria vulgaris (Scrophulariaceae) in the West Yellowstone area. Western North American Naturalist 63(4):416-428. PDF
Pauchard, A. & P. Villarroel. 2002. Protected areas in Chile: history, current status and challenges. Natural Areas Journal 22:318-330. PDF
Pauchard, A.
& Alaback, P. 2002.
La amenaza de plantas
invasoras. Chile Forestal. 289:13-15.
Peña, E.
& Pauchard, A. 2001.
Coníferas introducidas en
áreas protegidas: un riesgo para la biodiversidad. Bosque Nativo 30: 3-7. Texto completo
Pauchard, A. Ugarte, E.
& Millán, J. 2001.
Biodiversidad y vegetación
en la línea de base para la evaluación del impacto ambiental de proyectos de
inversión en áreas silvestres protegidas de Chile. 757-773 pp. In:
Sustentabilidad de la Biodiversidad. Un Problema Actual, Bases Cientifico
Técnicas, Teorizaciones y Proyecciones.
Krisler Alveal.
Universidad de Concepción. Texto completo
Pauchard, A., Ugarte, E.
& Millán, J. 2000. A
multiscale method for assessing vegetation baseline of Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) in protected areas of Chile. In; McCool, S. F.; Cole, D. N. Borrie, W. T.
and O'Loughlin, J. comps. Wilderness science in a time of change
conference-Volume 3: Wilderness as a place for scientific inquiry. 1999 May
23-27; Missoula, MT. Proceedings RMRS-P-15-VOL3. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. pp. 111-116.
Pauchard, A. 2000.
La experiencia de Costa Rica en áreas protegidas. Revista Ambiente y Desarrollo.
Chile, Noviembre. Texto completo
Pauchard A. 1999. SNASPE: New challenges for
conservation biology. Boletin Ingenieros Forestales por el Bosque Nativo Junio 21: Valdivia,
Chile. Texto completo
* Note: 'This is an electronic version of an article published in Diversity and Distributions: complete citation information for the final version of the paper, as published in the print edition of Diversity and Distributions, is available on the Blackwell Synergy online delivery service, accessible via the journal's website at or