Abstract Submission
Official languages of the Congress will be
Spanish, Portuguese and English
To submit an abstract you should proceed as follows:
First steap : obtain the document (microsoft Word), fill it in with the abstract and save in your computer.
1.- Open the abstract template press here.
2.- Fill the fields with the number of the topic press here, type of the presentation, author e-mail.
3.- Write the abstract using the given format :
Font: Times New Roman , size 10
Paragraph: single line with 3 points of space before the paragraph
Title in Bold
Underline the author who will present the work (must be registered in the Congress)
Maximum size: one template page (half an A4 page), maintaining the given margins.
4.- Save the abstract locally with a file name identical to the author name (if you submit more than one abstract you may save them as Author1, Author2, etc.)
Send the abstract as an “attachment” to the Congress e-mail (press here)
Second step: Send the abstract
Clicking on the button below will open your e-mail client software, already addressed for sending the abstract. It is not necessary to write anything in the body of the message, but it is necessary to choose the option to attach a file and to select the abstract saved previously.
Send Submition