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Pre-Congress Course: January 10-14, 2012

Topic: Algal Physiology 
Dr. Felix López Figueroa, Universidad de Málaga, España.

Quota: 20 students
Fee: US$ 100

Post-Congress Courses: January 19-21, 2012
The courses will be carried out in parallel

Topic: Harmful Algae
Dr. Santiago Fraga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, España.

Quota: 15 students
Fee: US$ 150

Topic: Molecular characterization and genetic improvement of microalgae of biotechnological interest.
Dra. Patricia I. Gómez, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Quota: 10 students
Fee: US$ 200

Dates of applying for courses: up to August 31th, 2011
Notification of acceptance: September 30th, 2011
Date of registration of courses: up to Novembre 30th, 2011

Get the form to apply for courses here


Cursos : (ver o descargar Documentos)

- Ecofisiologia y Fotobiologia Algas. (Pdf)

- Mejoramiento Genetico. (Pdf)

- Microalgas Nocivas. (Pdf)

Enviar los formularios de inscripcion al correo, indicando en el Subject "Postulacion a curso"".


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