Accommodation in Concepción
Concepcion offers many accomodations possibilities in Hotels of different categories. Our University has agreements (discounted price) with the following hotels:

Joselyn Jaque Mayorga
Ejecutiva de Reservas
Caupolicán Número 521
Fono / Fax: 56-41-2740600 / 2740690
Concepción -Chile.
Web page :

Hotel : B. O"Higgins 340 / Red Fija (56-41) 3231782 - 2463690 - 2249748 - 2240078 / Móvil (56) 95795924 - 77070218 / Casilla 2157 / Concepción Chile.
Web page :

Web page :
In addition, there is the possibility of accommodation at a very affordable price in “CASA BETANIA” (Christian Retreat). It has 48 rooms, each one with two beds or one bed + a bunk bed. All rooms have a shower and a sink with hot water.
Breakfast………. $ 1.100 (Chilean pesos )
Lodging…..……..$ 6.500 (Chilean pesos )
(Including tax values)
Casa Formación Betania
L. Urrutia Manzano 490
Sector Cerro La Virgen
Telefono/Fax: 56 41 2229655, 56 41 2232709
For reservations, contact prof. Mariela A. González ( indicating in the "subject": Booking “Casa Betania” |