Brooker, R.W., F.T. Maestre, R.M. Callaway, C.L. Lortie, L.A. Cavieres, G. Kunstler, P. Liancourt, K.Tielbörger, J.M.J. Travis, F. Anthelme, C.Armas, L. Coll, E. Corcket, S. Delzon, E. Forey, Z. Kikvidze, J. Olofsson, F.I. Pugnaire, C.L. Quiroz, P. Saccone, K. Schiffers, M. Seifan, B. Touzard & R. Michalet (2008) Facilitation in plant communities: the past, the present and the future. Journal of Ecology 96: 18-34.
Cavieres, L.A., C.L. Quiroz & M.A. Molina-Montenegro (2008) Facilitation of the non-native Taraxacum officinale by native nurse cushion species in the high-Andes of central Chile: are there differences between nurses? Functional Ecology 22: 148-156.
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Fajardo, A., C. Quiroz & L.A. Cavieres (2008) Spatial structures in cushion-dominated plant communities of the high-Andes of central Chile: how frequent are positive associations? Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 87-96.
Gómez-González, S., A. Sierra-Almeida; L.A. Cavieres (2008) Does plant-derived smoke affects seed germination in dominant woody Mediterranean species of central Chile? Forest Ecology and Management 255:1510-1515.
Jiménez, A., A. Pauchard, L.A. Cavieres, A.E. Marticorena & R.O. Bustamante (2008) Do climatically similar regions contain similar alien floras? A test from the Mediterranean areas of Chile and California. Journal of Biogeography 35: 614-624.
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Molina-Montenegro, M.A., E.I. Badano & L.A. Cavieres (2008) Positive interactions among plant species for pollinator service: assessing the 'magnet species' concept with invasive species. Oikos 117: 1833-1839.
Muñoz A.A. & L.A. Cavieres (2008) The presence of a showy invasive plant disrupts pollinator service and reproductive output in native alpine species only at high densities. Journal of Ecology 96: 459-467.
Pauchard, A., R. García, E. Peña, C. González, L.A. Cavieres & R. Bustamante (2008) Positive feedbacks between plant invasions and fire regimes: Teline monspessulana (L) K.Kock (Fabaceae) in central Chile. Biological Invasions 10: 547-553.
Rozzi, R., J.J Armesto , B. Goffinet, W. Buck , F. Massardo, J. Silander, Jr., M. Kalin-Arroyo, S. Russell, C. Anderson, L.A. Cavieres & B. Callicott (2008) Changing lenses to asses biodiversity: Patterns of species richness in Subantarctic Magellanic non-vascular and vascular floras and implications for global conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6: 131-137
Squeo, F., M.T.A. Arroyo, A. Marticorena, G. Arancio, M. Muñoz-Schick, M. Negritto, G. Rojas, M. Rosas, R. Rodríguez, A. Humaña, E. Barrera y C. Marticorena. (2008) Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de la Región de Atacama. En: Libro Rojo de la Flora Nativa y Sitios Prioritarios para su Conservación: Región de Atacama (F.A. Squeo, G. Arancio & J.R. Gutiérrez, eds.) Ediciones Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile. 6: 97-120.
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