2012 Morales, R, Sanfuentes, E, Vives, I, Molina, E. (2012). Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, pathogen causing the "swiss needle cast" in Pseudotsuga menziesii: biology background, control measures and situation in Chile. Revista Bosque, 33(2): 127-134.
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2011 Moraga-Suazo P., Opazo A., Zaldua S., Gonzalez G. Sanfuentes E. (2011). Evaluation of Trichoderma spp. and Clonostachys spp. Strains to control Fusarium circinatum in Pinus radiata seedlings. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 71(3).
2010 Díaz K., Valiente C., Martínez M., Castillo M., Sanfuentes E. (2009). Root-promoting rhizobacteria in Eucalyptus globulus cuttings. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 25(5): 867-873.
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2009 Díaz K., Valiente C., Martínez M., Castillo M., Sanfuentes E. (2009). Root-promoting rhizobacteria in Eucalyptus globulus cuttings. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 25(5): 867-873.
2008Valiente C., Gacitúa, S., Martínez, M., and Sanfuentes, E. (2008). Control of charcoal root rot disease in Pinus radiata nurseries with antagonistic bacteria. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol. 24 (4):557-568. Oses R., Valenzuela S., Freer J., Sanfuentes E., Rodríguez J. (2008). Fungal endophytes in xylem of healthy Chilean trees and their possible role in early wood decay. Fungal Diversity 33: 77-86. 2006Molina, G., Zaldúa, S., González, G., Sanfuentes, E. (2006). Selección de hongos antagonistas para el control biológico de Botrytis cinerea en viveros forestales en Chile. Bosque 27, 126-134. 2005Díaz, K., Gacitúa, S., Valiente, C., Martínez, M., Castillo, M. and Sanfuentes, E. (2005). Bacterial isolates screening to increased rooting cuttings on Eucalyptus spp. Biological Research 38(2-3): 76. 2002Sanfuentes, E., Alfenas, A., Mafia, L. and Silveira, S. (2002). Comparison of baits to quantify inoculum density of Rhizoctonia spp. in Eucalyptus clonal garden soils. Australasian Plant Pathology 31: 177-183.
