Los astrónomos discuten
de los asistentes.
presentaciones de los invitados serán publicadas
en extenso, como un volumen especial en los Apuntes
de Conferencia de la editorial Springer en la serie
de física. Entre
los temas que abarcó el congreso se encuentran:
la 1ª sesión: The HST Key Project on the extragalactic
distance scale. Current problems with Cepheid variables
as distance indicators. Recent Cepheid observations with
the VLT interferometer.
la 2ª sesión: The physics of Cepheid atmospheres and direct
distance determination. HST Cepheid observations in SNIa
host galaxies.
la 3ª sesión: Distance determination with RR Lyraestars:
theory and observations. Globular cluster distances from
RR Lyrae stars.
En la 4ª sesión: Extragalactic distances from blue supergiant
stars: theory. Extragalactic distances from blue supergiant
stars: observations. Distances from the red giant clump
magnitude: population effects in different passbands.
la 5ª sesión Red clump star distances to the Magellanic
clouds and to the Carina and Fornax dwarf galaxies. Properties
of local SN.
la 6ª sesión: The distance to NGC 1637: comparison of
Cepheid distances with the expanding photosphere method.
The LMC red clump, the population II distance ladder,
and the Cepheid metallicity slope.
sesión: Physics of SN Ia explosions. Novae as distance
la 8ª sesión: Distances from planetary nebulae. Eclipsing
binaries and the extragalactic distance scale.
en la 9ª sesión: Distances from the globular cluster luminosity
function method. A trigonometric parallax survey for the
southern skies.