
"Column Generation in Integer Linear Programming and Applications"
Nelson Maculan, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - BRASIL

“Constraint Programming and Scheduling”
Pierre López, Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Svstèmes - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – FRANCIA

“Transportation, Planning, Models, Achievements, and Challenges”
Michael Florian, Université de Montreal – CANADA

"Heuristic Methods for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems"
Jacques Ferland, Université de Montreal – CANADA

“Scatter Search: Methodology and Applications”
Manuel Laguna, University of Colorado – ESTADOS UNIDOS

"Simulation-Based Optimization"
Averill Law, Averill M. Law & Associates – ESTADOS UNIDOS

“Models and Algorithms for the Train Timetabling Problem”
Paolo Toht, University of Bologna - ITALIA

Operational research approaches to genome mapping
Jacek Blazewicz,  Poznan University of Technology - POLONIA

"Applications of Intelligent Methods in Logistics"
Hans-Jüger Zimmermann, Aachen Institute of Technology Operations Research - ALEMANIA

Introducción - Fechas Importantes - Presentación de Trabajos - Comité de Programa
Comité Organizador - Áreas Temáticas - Conferencias y Tutoriales - Programa
Inscripción - Galería de Fotos - Turismo