(......)*) For over three years, the University of Concepcion´s Pisciculture Laboratory developed a FONDEF R&D Project called "Altering of Natural Spawning Time in Salmonids by Artificial Photoperiod Manipulation" (code # D96I1090). Many different and successful experiments were carried out in relation to the application of artificial photoperiod (see images).
At present, and to carry on with the above, we are developing a Technology Transfer Project that will allow us to pass on to the Chilean salmon farming industry the know how acquired during the three years of experimentation:

Pisciculture Laboratory at the University of Concepción
FONDEF Technology Transfer Project "Technology Transfer Aiming Towards Advanced Production of Salmonid Eggs Using Artificial Photoperiod: A Necessary, Economic and Viable Alternative for the Chilean Salmon Framing Industry" (code #D00T 1032).

On the other hand,
the team involved in these projects is of the highest competence, all the members are experts in their area of activities, and as the images clearly show, we count on leading infrastructure and technology, and also on the Bioassays Laboratory for continuous support on complementary technologies (see photo).

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