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Aspects of Symmetry - Selected Erice Lectures (1988)
Front Cover Book Details
Sidney Coleman
Subject Symmetry (Physics)
Publication Date 2/18/1988
Format Paperback (240 mm)
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Language eng
This collection of review lectures on topics in theoretical high energy physics has few rivals for clarity of exposition and depth of insight. Delivered over the past two decades at the International School of Subnuclear Physics in Erice, Sicily, the lectures help to organize and explain material that a the time existed in a confused state, scattered in the literature. At the time they were given they spread new ideas throughout the physics community and proved very popular as introductions to topics at the frontiers of research.
Personal Details
Collection Status In Collection
Index 57
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Product Details
LoC Classification QC793.3.S9C65 1985
Dewey 539.7/2
ISBN 0521318270
Cover Price $42.95
Nr of Pages 416
First Edition No
Rare No