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Vector Bundles and their Applications (Mathematics and Its Applications) (1998)
Book Details
Glenys Luke
Alexander S. Mishchenko
G. L
Subject Vector bundles
Publication Date 7/31/1998
Format Hardcover (250 mm)
Publisher Springer
Language eng
The book is devoted to the basic notions of vector bundles and their applications. The focus of attention is towards explaining the most important notions and geometric constructions connected with the theory of vector bundles. Theorems are not always formulated in maximal generality but rather in such a way that the geometric nature of the objects comes to the fore. Whenever possible examples are given to illustrate the role of vector bundles. Audience: With numerous illustrations and applications to various problems in mathematics and the sciences, the book will be of interest to a range of graduate students from pure and applied mathematics.
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Collection Status In Collection
Index 74
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Product Details
LoC Classification QA612.63.L85 1998
Dewey 516.3/5
ISBN 0792351541
Cover Price $140.00
Nr of Pages 262
First Edition No
Rare No