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Conformal Field Theory (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics) (1999)
Front Cover Book Details
Philippe Di Francesco
Pierre Mathieu
David Senechal
Publication Date 1/18/1999
Format Hardcover
Publisher Springer
Filling an important gap in the literature, this comprehensive text develops conformal field theory from first principles. The treatment is self-contained, pedagogical, and exhaustive, and includes a great deal of background material on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, Lie algebras and affine Lie algebras. The many exercises, with a wide spectrum of difficulty and subjects, complement and in many cases extend the text. The text is thus not only an excellent tool for classroom teaching but also for individual study. Intended primarily for graduate students and researchers in theoretical high-energy physics, mathematical physics, condensed matter theory, statistical physics, the book will also be of interest in other areas of theoretical physics and mathematics. It will prepare the reader for original research in this very active field of theoretical and mathematical physics.
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ISBN 038794785X
Cover Price $119.00
Nr of Pages 890
First Edition No
Rare No