Laboratorio de Oceanografía Pesquera
y Ecología Larval


106.- Cuevas MJ, Górski K, Castro LR, Vivancos A, Reid M. 2019. Otolith elemental composition reveals separate spawning areas of anchoveta, Engraulis ringens, off central Chile and northern Patagonia. Scientia Marina: in press  (ISI)

105.- Castro, LR; Claramunt G; Espinoza R; Azocar C; Soto-Mendoza S; Krautz, MC; Pantoja S. 2019Vertical distribution, specific gravity, and free amino acids in anchoveta Engraulis ringens eggs under contrasting spawning habitat conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 617-618: 7-24.  (ISI)

104.- Castro LR, S Soto & F González-Saldías. 2019. Ontogenetic and short-term fluctuations in the residence depth of young pelagic stages of Munida gregaria in different zones of northern Patagonia. Progress in Oceanography 174: 173–184 (ISI)

103.- Flores EA, LR Castro, D.A. Narváez, S. Lillo, F. Balbontín and F. Osorio-Zúñiga. 2019. Inter-annual and seasonal variations in the Outer and Inner Sea spawning zones of southern hake, Merluccius australis, inferred from early life stages distributions in Chilean Patagonia. Progress in Oceanography 171: 93-107 (ISI)

102.- Meerhoff E., LR Castro, FJ Tapia, I Pérez-Santos. 2019. Hydrographic and biological impacts of a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in a Patagonian Fjord. Estuaries and Coasts 42: 132-143. (ISI)

101.- Pérez-Santos I, L Castro, L Ross, E Niklitschek, N Mayorga, L Cubillos, M Gutiérrez, E Escalona, M Castillo, N Alegría, G Daneri 2018. Turbulence and hypoxia contribute to dense biological scattering layers in a Patagonian Fjord System. Ocean Sci., 14, 1185–1206, 2018.  (ISI)

100.- Iriarte, JL., Cuevas, LA., Cornejo, F., Silva, N., González, HE., Castro, L., Montero, P., Vargas, CA., Daneri, G. 2018. Low spring primary production and microphytoplankton carbon biomass in Subantarctic Patagonia channels and fjords (50 – 53S). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 50(1) e1525186 (13 pages). (ISI)

99.- Llanos-Rivera, A., L Castro; P. Vásquez, J. Silva, E. Bay-Schmith. 2018. The impact of kraft pulping effluent on egg survival and hatching success in two species of Clupeiforms (Teleostei). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 25269-25279. (ISI)

98.- González HE, M. Graeve, G. Kattner, N. Silva, L. Castro, J. L. Iriarte, L. Osmán, G. Daneri, C. A. Vargas. 2016. Carbon flow through the pelagic food web in southern Chilean Patagonia: relevance of Euphausia vallentini as key species. Marine Ecology Progress Series.doi: 10.3354/meps11826 (in press) (ISI)

97.- Herrera G.A.; M.F. Landaeta & L.R. Castro. 2016. Record of a larval whalefish (family Cetomimidae) from near the Juan Fernandez seamounts, southeastern Pacific. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía Vol. 51, Nº1: 171-174 (ISI)

96.- Montecinos S., L R. Castro & S Neira. 2016. Stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) and trophic position of Patagonian sprat (Sprattus fuegensis) from the Northern Chilean Patagonia. Fisheries Research 179 (2016) 139–147 (ISI)

95.- Vásquez, P.; A. Llanos-Rivera; LR Castro, C. Fernández. 2014. UV radiation effects on the embryos of anchoveta Engraulis ringens and common sardine Strangomera bentincki off Central Chile. Marine and Freshwater Research. 67:195-209 (ISI)

94.- Meerhoff E. ; F Tapia; M Sobarzo & LR Castro. 2015. Influence of estuarine and secondary circulation on crustacean larval fluxes - a case study from a Patagonian fjord. J Plankton Research 37(1):168-182 . doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbu106 (ISI)

93.-Giesecke R, A Clement, J Garcés-Vargas, JI Mardones, HE González, L Caputo & L Castro. 2014. Massive salp outbreaks in the inner sea of Chiloé Island (Southern Chile): possible causes and ecological consequences. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 42(3): 604-621.DOI: 103856/vol42-issue3-fulltext-18. (ISI)

92.- Contreras T., L Castro, S. Montecinos, HE González , S Soto, M. Muñoz, S Palma. 2014. Environmental conditions, early life stages distributions and larval feeding of Patagonian sprat Sprattus fuegensis and common sardine Strangomera bentincki in fjords and channels of the northern Chilean Patagonia. Progress in Oceanography. 129: 136–148. DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.10.005(ISI)

91.- Meerhoff E., F Tapia & L Castro. 2014. Spatial structure of the meroplankton community along a Patagonian fjord - the role of changing freshwater inputs. Progress in Oceanography 129: 125-135. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.05.015(ISI)

90.- Valle-Levinson A., L Castro, O Pizarro & M Cáceres. 2014.Twilight vertical migrations of zooplankton in a Chilean fjord. Progress in Oceanography 129: 114-124. DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.03.008(ISI)

89.- Pavez H., H González, L Castro & JL Iriarte . 2014. Carbon Flows Through the Pelagic Sub-food Web in Two Basins of the Chilean Patagonian Coastal Ecosystem: the Significanceof Coastal–Ocean Connection on Ecosystem Parameters. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007/s12237-014-9780-y(ISI)

88.- Llanos-Rivera A, G Herrera, E Tarifeño & LR Castro.2014.Development of free neuromasts in Engraulis ringens and Strangomera bentincki (Teleostei, Clupeiformes) early larvae. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 42(1): 264-270. DOI: 103856/vol42-issue1-fulltext-x(ISI)

87.- Medina G, L Castro, S Pantoja. 2014. Fatty acids in Merluccius australis tissues, a comparison between females from inshore and offshore spawning areas in the Chilean Patagonia. Fisheries Research 160: 41-49

86.- Cubillos LA, G Claramunt, LR Castro. 2014. Simulation of fishery-induced changes on the reproductive cycle of common sardine, Strangomera bentincki, off central southern Chile. Fisheries Research 160: 103-111. (ISI)

85.- Claramunt G, LA Cubillos, L Castro, C Hernández, M Arteaga. 2014. Variation in the spawning periods of Engraulis ringens and Strangomera bentincki off the coasts of Chile: A quantitative analysis. Fisheries Research 160: 96–102 DOI:

84.- González HE, L.R. Castro, G. Daneri, J.L. Iriarte, N. Silva, F. Tapia, E. Teca, C.A. Vargas. 2013. Land-ocean gradient in haline stratification and its effects on plankton dynamics and trophic carbon fluxes in Chilean Patagonian fjords (47° - 50°S). Progress in Oceanography. 119: 32-47 (ISI)

83.- Llanos-Rivea A, P. Vásquez & L Castro. 2013. Malformations in the embryonic development of Engraulis ringens (Clupeiformes) in a spawning area off central-southern Chile: description and rates. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.93(8), 2225–2234 (ISI)

82.- Meerhoff E., L Castro & F Tapia. 2013. Influences of fresh water discharges and tides on the abundance and distribution of larval and juvenile Munida gregaria in the Baker river estuary, Chilean Patagonia. Continental Shelf Research. 61-62: 1-11 (ISI)

81.- Yannicelli B. K Paschke, RR Gonzalez, LR Castro. 2013. Metabolic responses of the squat lobster (Pleuroncodes monodon) larvae to low oxygen concentrations. Marine Biology 35(3): 566–581. (ISI)

80.- Krautz MC, LR Castro, M Gonzalez, A Llanos-Rivera, I Montes, H Gonzalez, RR Gonzalez, JC Vera. 2013 . Concentration of ascorbic acid and antioxidant response in early life stages of Engraulis ringens and zooplankton during the spawning seasons of 2006-2009 off Central Chile. Marine Biology 160:1177–1188 (ISI)

79.- Landaeta MF & LR Castro 2013. Vertical distribution and gas bladder inflation/deflation in postlarval anchoveta Engraulis ringens during upwelling events. J. Marine Biological Association UK.93(2), 321–331 (ISI)

78.- Landaeta MF, Martínez RA, CA Bustos, LR Castro. 2013. Distribution of microplankton and fish larvae related to sharp clines in a Patagonian fjord. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. Vol. 48, Nº2: 401-407. DOI 10.4067/S0718-19572013000200020

77.- Yanicelli B. & LR Castro 2013. Ecophysiological constraints on the larvae of Pleuroncodes monodon and the implications for its reproductive strategy in poorly oxygenated waters of the Chile-Peru undercurrent. J Plankton Res. 35(3): 566–581. (ISI)

76.- Claramunt G, LR Castro, LA Cubillos, HJ Hirche, G Perez & M Braun. 2012. Inter-annual reproductive trait variation and spawning habitat preferences of Engraulis ringens off northern Chile. Rev. Biol. Mar. Oceanogr. 47(2): 227-243 (ISI)

75.- Montecinos S., L Castro & MI Muñoz. 2012. Distribución de huevos y larvas de sardina común (Strangomera bentincki) en los fiordos y canales del sur de Chile. Cienc. Tecnol. Mar, 35, 71-90, 2012

74.- Landaeta MF & LR. Castro. 2012. Vertical distribution and gas bladder inflation/deflation in postlarval anchoveta Engraulis ringens during upwelling events. J Marine Biological Association UK. Doi 10.1017/S0025315411001767 (ISI)

73.- Krautz, M.C., Castro, L.R., González, M., Vera, J.C., González, H.E., 2012. Concentration of ascorbic acid and innate immune effectors in Engraulis ringens and Strangomera bentincki during their main spawning period (2007–2008) in the Humboldt current system off Chile. Marine Biology. doi: 10.1007/s00227-011-1808-2(ISI)

72.- Landaeta, M.F., Castro, L.R., 2012. Seasonal and annual variation in Chilean hake Merluccius gayi spawning locations and egg size off central Chile. Progress in Oceanography 92(1), 166-177. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.07.002(ISI)

71.- Parada, C., Colas, F., Soto-Mendoza, S., Castro, L., 2012. Effects of seasonal variability in across- and alongshore transport of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) larvae on model-based pre-recruitment indices off central Chile. Progress in Oceanography 92(1), 192-205. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.07.015(ISI)

70.- Soto-Mendoza, S., Parada, C., Castro, L., Colas, F., Schneider, W., 2012. Modeling transport and survival of anchoveta eggs and yolk-sac larvae in the coastal zone off central-south Chile: Assessing spatial and temporal spawning parameters. Progress in Oceanography 92(1), 178-191. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.07.001(ISI)

69.- Yannicelli, B., Castro, L., Parada, C., Schneider, W., Colas, F., Donoso, D., 2012. Distribution of Pleuroncodes monodon larvae over the continental shelf of south-central Chile: field and modeling evidence for partial local retention and transport. Progress in Oceanography 92(1), 206-227. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.07.005(ISI)

68.- Castro, L.R., Cáceres, M.A., Silva, N., Muñoz, M.I., León, R., Landaeta, M.F., Soto-Mendoza, S., 2011. Short-term variations in mesozooplankton, ichthyoplankton, and nutrients associated with semi-diurnal tides in a patagonian Gulf. Continental Shelf Research 31(3-4), 282-292. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2010.09.005(ISI)

67.- González, H.E., Castro, L., Daneri, G., Iriarte, J.L., Silva, N., Vargas, C.A., Giesecke, R., Sánchez, N., 2011. Seasonal plankton variability in Chilean Patagonia fjords: Carbon flow through the pelagic food web of Aysen Fjord and plankton dynamics in the Moraleda Channel basin. Continental Shelf Research 31(3-4), 225-243. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2010.08.010(ISI)

66.- Yañez-Rubio, A., Llanos-Rivera, A., Castro, L.R., Claramunt, G., Herrera, L., 2011. Variations in type, width, volume and carbon content of anchoveta Engraulis ringens food items during the early larval stages. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 91(6), 1207-1213. doi: 10.1017/S0025315410001748(ISI)

65.- Moreno, P., Claramunt, G., Castro, L.R., 2011. Transition period from larva to juvenile in anchoveta Engraulis ringens. Length or age related?. Journal of Fish Biology 78(3), 825–837. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02894.x(ISI)

64.- Palma, S., Silva, N., Retamal, M.C., Castro, L., 2011. Seasonal and vertical distributional patterns of siphonophores and medusae in the Chiloé Interior Sea, Chile. Continental Shelf Research 31(3-4): 260-271. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2010.04.007(ISI)

63.- Castro LR, G Claramunt, H González, MC Krautz, A Llanos-Rivera, J Méndez, W Schneider & S Soto. (2010). Fatty acids in anchoveta eggs, Engraulis ringens, during two contrasting winter spawning seasons. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 420: 193–205.(ISI)

62.- González HE, MJ Calderón, L Castro, A Clement, LA Cuevas, G Daneri, JL Iriarte, L Lizárraga, R Martínez, E Menschel, N Silva, C Carrasco, C Valenzuela, CA A Vargas & C Molinet. 2010. Primary production and plankton dynamics in the Reloncaví Fjord and the Interior Sea of Chiloé, Northern Patagonia, Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series 402: 13-30. (ISI)

61.- Krautz MC, S Vásquez LR Castro, M González, A Llanos-Rivera & S Pantoja. 2010. Changes in metabolic substrates during early development in anchoveta Engraulis ringens (Jenyns 1842) in the Humboldt Current. Marine Biology157(5): 1137-149. (ISI)

60.- Landaeta MF,P Inostroza, A Ramirez, S Soto-Mendoza & LR Castro. 2010. Distribution patterns, larval growth and hatch dates of early stages of the mote sculpin Normanichthys crockery (Scorpaeniformes, Normanichthyidae) in the upwelling ecosystem off central Chile. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 45(S1): 575-588. (ISI)

59.- Pavéz M, MF Landaeta & LR Castro. 2010. Distribution of carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton in the upwelling zone of Central Chile (Austral spring 2001). Journal of Plankton Research 32(7):1051-1065. (ISI)

58.- Soto-Mendoza S, LR Castro & A Llanos-Rivera. 2010. Variabilidad espacial y temporal de huevos y larvas de Strangomera bentincki y Engraulis ringens, asociados a la desembocadura del río Itata, Chile. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 45(3):471-487. (ISI)

57.- Vásquez P, A Llanos-Rivera & L Castro. 2010. Anormalidades durante el desarrollo embrionario de sardina común, Strangomera bentincki,, en el ambiente natural. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 45(1): 177-185. (ISI)

56.- Castro LR, G Claramunt, MC Krautz, A Llanos-Rivera& P Moreno. 2009. Egg trait variations in anchoveta Engraulis ringens: A maternal effect to changing environmental conditions in contrasting spawning habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series381: 237-248. (ISI)

55.- Checkley DM Jr, A Bakun, M Barange, LR Castro, P Freon, R Guevara-Carrasco, SF Herrick Jr, AD MacCall, R Ommer, Y Oozeki, C Roy, L Shannon & CD van der Lingen. 2009. Chapter 15. Synthesis and Perspective. In: Checkley D. J Halheit. Y Oozeki and C Roy (Editors) “Climate change and small pelagic fish”. Cambridge University Press. NY.Pp. 344-351.

54.- Landaeta M, MI Muñoz & LR Castro. 2009. Variabilidad estacional y a pequeña escala en la distribución vertical del ictioplancton en un fiordo estratificado del sur de Chile. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar 32(2): 27-42.

53.- Llanos-Rivera A, LR Castro, J Silva & E Bay-Schmith. 2009. A new developmental toxicity test for pelagic fish using anchoveta (Engraulis ringens J.). Biology Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83: 23-28.(ISI)

52.- Leal E, LR Castro & G Claramunt. 2009. Variability in oocyte size and batch fecundity of two anchovy stocks (Engraulis ringens, Jenyns 1842) off the Chilean coast. Scientia Marina 73(1): 59-66.(ISI)

51.- Franco-Herrera A &LR Castro. 2008.Seasonal variations in grazing of the copepod Eucalanus subtenuis in the continental shelf of the south central Caribbean Sea, Colombia. Caribbean Journal of Science 44(3): 361-374. (ISI)

50.- Landaeta MF, R Veas, J Letelier & LR Castro. 2008. Larval Fish Assemblages off central Chile upwelling ecosystem. Revista Biología Marina y Oceanografía 43(3): 569-584. (ISI)

49.- León R, LR Castro& M Cáceres. 2008. Dispersal of Munida gregaria (Decapoda: Galatheidae) larvae in Patagonian channels of Southern Chile. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences. 65: 1131-1143.(ISI)

48.- Castro LR, VA Troncoso & DR Figueroa. 2007. Fine-scale vertical distribution of coastal and offshore copepods in the Golfo de Arauco, central Chile, during the upwelling season. Progress in Oceanography 75:486–500. (ISI)

47.- Claramunt G, R Serra, LR Castro & L Cubillos. 2007. Is the spawning frequency dependent ton female size? Empirical evidence in Sardinops sagax and Engraulis ringens off northern Chile. Fisheries Research 85(3):248-257. (ISI)

46.- Krautz MC, LR Castro & M González. 2007. Interaction of two key pelagic species of the Humboldt Current: Euphausiid predation on anchoveta eggs estimated by immunoassays. Marine Ecology Progress Series 335:175-185. (ISI)

45.- Morales CE, HE González, SE Hormazabal, G Yuras, J Letelier & LR Castro. 2007. The distribution of chlorophyll-a and dominant planktonic components in the coastal transition zone off Concepción, central Chile, during different oceanographic conditions. Progress in Oceanography 75(3):452-469.(ISI)

44.- Tarifeño E, M Carmona, A Llanos-Rivera & LR Castro. 2007. Temperature effects on the anchoveta Engraulis ringens egg development: do latitudinal differences occur?. Environ. Biol. Fish..

43.- Thiel M, EC Macaya, E Acuña, WE Arntz, H Bastias, K Brokordt, PA Camus, JC Castilla, LR Castro, M Cortés, CP Dumont, R Escribano, M Fernández, JA Gajardo, CF Gaymer, I Gomez, AE González, HE González, PA Haye, J-E Illanes, JL Iriarte, DA Lancellotti, G Luna-Jorquera, C Luxoro, PH Manríquez, V Marín, P Muñoz, SA Navarrete, E Perez, , E Poulin, J Sellanes, HH Sepúlveda, W Stotz, F Tala, A Thomas, CAVargas, JA Vásquez & JM Alonso Vega. 2007. The Humboldt Current System of Northern and Central Chile - Oceanographic Processes, Ecological Interactions and Socioeconomic Feedback. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 45:195-344. (ISI)

42.- Franco-Herrera A, LR Castro & PC Tigreros. 2006. Plankton dynamics in the south-central Caribbean Sea, strong seasonal changes in a tropical system. Caribbean Journal of Sciences 42(1):24-38. (ISI)

41.- Landaeta MF & LR Castro. 2006. Variabilidad estacional en los patrones espaciales de las asociaciones ictioplanctónicas de la zona de fiordos de Chile Austral. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar 29(2):107-127.

40.- Landaeta MF & LR Castro. 2006. Larval distribution and growth of the rockfish, Sebastes capensis (Sebastidae, Pises), in the fjords of southern Chile. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 63:714-724. (ISI)

39.- Landaeta MF & LR Castro. 2006. Spawning and larval survival of the Chilean hake Merluccius gayi under later summer conditions in the Gulf of Arauco, central Chile. Fisheries Research 77:115-121. (ISI)

38.- Landaeta MF, GA Herrera, M Pedraza, CA Bustos & LR Castro. 2006. Reproductive tactics and larval development of bigeye flounder Hippoglossina macrops off Central Chile. Journal Marine Biology Ass U.K. 86:1253-1264. (ISI)

37.- Llanos-Rivera A & LR Castro. 2006. Inter-population differences in temperature effects on Engraulis ringens yolk-sac larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 312: 245-253. (ISI)

36.- Pavéz MA, LR Castro & HE González.2006. Across-shelf predatory effect of Pleurobrachia bachei (Ctenophora) on the small-copepod community in the coastal upwelling zone off northern Chile (23ºS). Journal of Plankton Research. 28(2):115-129. (ISI)

35.- Yannicelli B, LR Castro, W Schneider & M Sobarzo. 2006. Crustacean larvae distribution in the coastal upwelling zone off Central Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series 319:175-189. (ISI)

34.- Yannicelli B, LR Castro, A Valle-Levinson, L Atkinson & D Figueroa. 2006. Vertical distribution of decapod larvae in the entrance of an equatorward facing bay of central Chile: implications for transport. Journal of Plankton Research 28(1):19-37. (ISI)

33.- Castro LR, P Fréon, CD van der Lingen, & A Uriarte (Editors). 2005. Report of the SPACC Meeting on Small Pelagic Fish Spawning Habitat Dynamics and the Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM). GLOBEC Report 21,pags.

32.- Landaeta M, G Herrera & LR Castro. 2005. Larvae of Cristallodytes pauciradiatus (Perciformes: Creediidae) from Easter Island, South Pacific. Journal of Fish Biology 66:276-282. (ISI)

31.- Ramírez JG, A Franco, LR Castro & D Rincón. 2005. Tasa de producción de fecas y coprofagía en Eucalanus subtenuis (Copepoda, Calanoidea), bajo condiciones controladas de laboratorio. Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (Colombia) 34: 193-209.

30.- Rodríguez-Graña, LR Castro, M Laureiro, H González & D Calliari. 2005.Feeding ecology of larval myctophids, Diogenuchthys laternatus and Triphoturus aff, oculeus, in the upwelling area of the Peninsula de Mejillones, northern Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series 290:119-134. (ISI).

29.- Van der Lingen, LR Castro, L Drapeau & D Checkley (Editors). 2005. Report of the SPACC Workshop on Characterizing and comparing the spawning habitat of small pelagic fish. GLOBEC Report 21: xii, 33 pp.

28.- Escribano R & LR Castro. 2004. Capítulo 14. Plancton y Productividad. Pags.287-312. En: Werlinger, C. (Editor) “Biología Marina y Oceanografía: Conceptos y Procesos”. Consejo Nacional del Libro y la Lectura. Universidad de Concepción. Trama Impresores, S.A. Chile. 700 pp

27.- González HE, R Giesecke, CA Vargas, M Pavez, J Iriarte, P Santibáñez, L Castro, R Escribano & F Pagès.2004. Carbon cycling through the pelagic food web in the northern Humboldt Current off Chile (23°S). ICES Journal of Marine Science 61: 572-581. (ISI)

26.- Landaeta MF & LR Castro. 2004. Zonas de concentración y retención de ictioplancton en el Archipiélago de Juan Fernández. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar 27(2):43-53.

25.- Llanos A & LR Castro. 2004. Latitudinal and seasonal egg size variations of the anchoveta Engraulis ringens off the Chilean Coast. Fishery Bulletin 102:207-212.(ISI)

24.- Rodríguez-Graña L, G Herrera, L Herrera & LR Castro. 2004. Divergence of two forms of Triphoturus in the Eastern Pacific based on mtDNA cytochrome b gene sequences and larval morphology. Journal of Fish Biology 64:1455-1461. (ISI)

23.- Landaeta M, F Neira & LR Castro. 2003. Larvae of Dactylopsaron dimorphicum (Perciformes, Percophidae) from oceanic islands in the southeast pacific.Fishery Bulletin 101:693-697. (ISI)

22.- Krautz MC, M González & LR Castro. 2003. Detection of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) eggs in euphausiid diets using immunoassays (ELYSA).Journal Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 294:27-39. (ISI)

21.- Rodriguez-Graña L & LR Castro. 2003. Ichthyoplankton distribution off the Peninsula de Mejillones, Chile (23ºS, 71ºW), under variable hydrographic conditions during the austral summer and winter of the El Niño 1997.Hydrobiologia 501:59-73. (ISI)

20.- Valle-levinson, L Atkinson, D Figueroa & LR Castro. 2003. Flow induced by upwelling winds in a equatorward facing bay. Journal of Geophysical Research 108(C2), 3054, doi: 10.1029/200IJC001272. (ISI)

19.- Castro L, A Llanos, JL Blanco, E Tarifeño, R Escribano & M Landaeta. 2002. Latitudinal variations in spawning habitat characteristics:influence on the early life history traits of the anchoveta, Engraulis ringens, off northern and central Chile. GLOBEC Report 16:42-45.

18.- Castro LR &. M Landaeta. 2002. Patrones de distribución y acumulación larval en torno a islas oceánicas: Islas de Pascua y Salas y Gómez. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar 25:133-147.

17.- Grunewald A, C Morales, H González, C Sylvester & LR Castro. 2002. Grazing impact of copepod assemblages and gravitational flux in coastal and oceanic waters off central Chile during two contrasting seasons. Journal of Plankton Research 24(1):55-67. (ISI)

16.- Landaeta M & LR Castro. 2002. Spring spawning and early nursery zone of the mesopelagic fish Maurolicus parvipinnis at the coastal upwelling zone off Talcahuano, central Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series 226:170-191. (ISI)

15.- Van der Lingen, CD, C Roy, P Freon, M Barange, L Castro, M Gutierrez, L Nykjaer & F Shillington (Editors). 2002. Report of a GLOBEC-SPACC/IDYLE/ENVIFISH workshop on spatial approaches to the dynamics of Coastal pelagic Resources and their environment in Upwelling areas. GLOBEC Report 16: 1-97.

14.- Castro LR. 2001. Environmental conditions and larval survival during the winter spawning season of the southernmost anchoveta stock off Chile. GLOBEC Newsletter.7(2):15-17.

13.- Parada C, M Sobarzo, D Figueroa & L Castro. 2001. Caracterización del viento y de eventos de surgencia y su relación con la circulación local del Golfo de Arauco en un periodo de transición estacional: verano-otoño: un nuevo enfoque. Investigaciones Marinas 29(1):11-23.(SCIELO)

12.- Vargas C & L Castro. 2001. Spawning of the chilean hake (Merluccius gayi) in the upwelling system off Talcahuano in relation to oceanographic features. Science Marina 65(2):101-110. (ISI)

11.- Castro LR & EH Hernandez. 2000. Early life stages survival of the anchoveta, Engraulis ringens, off central Chile during the 1995 and 1996 winter spawning season. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 129:1107-1117. (ISI)

10.- Castro LR, GR Salinas & EH Hernandez. 2000. Environmental influences on winter spawning of the anchoveta, Engraulis rigens, off Central Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series 197:247-258. (ISI)

9.- Hernandez EH & LR Castro. 2000. Larval growth of the anchoveta, Engraulis ringens, during the winter spawning season off central Chile. Fishery Bulletin US. 98(4):704-710. (ISI)

8.- Rodríguez L & LR Castro. 2000. Algunos aspectos sobre la ecología de larvas de mictófidos (Pisces, Myctophidae): una propuesta para nuevas líneas de investigación. Gayana 64(2):219-233.(SCIELO)

7.- Roy C, LR Castro & WT Peterson. 1997. Spawning and nursery habitat quality and dynamics. Working Group 7 In: J. Alheit and J.Hunter (Editors). Implementation plan for international GLOBEC Small Pelagic Fishes and Climate Change Program. GLOBEC Report.

6.- Cowen RK & LR Castro. 1994. Retention of coral reef fish larval distribution to island scale circulation around Barbados, West Indies. Bulletin of Marine Science 54(1):228-244. (ISI)

5.- Castro LR, PA Bernal & VA Troncoso. 1993. Coastal intrusion of copepods: mechanisms and consequences in the population biology of Rhincalanus nasutus. Journal of Plankton Research 15(5):501-515. (ISI)

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