Julio Oliva


Contact information

Address: Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Concepción. Estaban Iturra, s/n, Concepción, Chile.

Phone: (+56) 41 2203096

email: julioolivazapata-at-gmail-dot-com

First Semester 2016

Quantum field theory II. Contents and links.

Mechanics and waves. Contents and links.

Second semester 2015

Quantum field theory I. Contents and links.

  • Review of classical field theory (Lorentz group and Noether's theorems)
  • Canonical quantization of the free real and complex scalar
  • Interacting fields and Dyson's Formula
  • The Dirac field and it's quantization
  • Scattering amplitudes in Yukawa theory
  1. Quantum field theory notes. David Tong.
  2. Advanced Quantum Mechanics. Sydney Coleman. Lectures and notes