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Some of our results

Our results have been obtained in the context of the doctoral theses of Moreira and Gajardo, from which the second one is enterily devoted to the study of the ant (subjects 1, 2, 4, 5). The study on finite graphs is from Moreira, and subject 1 corresponds to a joint work.
Click to go   1. Complexity
Click to go   2. Bi-regular graphs
Click to go   3. Finite graphs
Click to go   4. Dimension 1
Click to go   5. Symbolic dynamics
Click to go   Publications


not There are several ways of measuring the complexity of a system. One of them is to study its computational power, i.e., the kind of calculation that can be done through its dynamics. Roughly speaking, the main result we obtained for the ant, in bi-regular graphs of degrees 3 and 4 (which include the square and the hexagonal grids), was that its dynamics may perform the same calculations of a computer (if the appropriate initial configuration is provided) [1,2]. In other words, it is cross computationally universal. The way to show it was the following. First, we designed graphs on which the dynamics of the ant had the effect of performing a logical operation on Boolean values written in the cells. The next step was to find configurations in the square grid that could reproduce the trajectories that had been designed in ad-hoc graphs. We had to be able to fix paths for the ant, to cross these paths, and to join different paths in a single one.

The first configurations that met these requirements were found through intensive (computer-aided) exploration of possible configurations and of the sites that the ant used to go in and out of them. Later, general designs were done for crossings and junctions, which can be implemented in any bi-regular graph of degrees 3 or 4, allowing the construction of logical circuits [2]. The scheme on the left shows a "NOT" device. On the right we show the embedding in the square grid of the gate that crosses two signals (variables). The cells with the initial values of the input variables are in the top row. The cells that will contain the results of the Boolean operation, when the ant has traversed the configuration, are in the bottom row.

This construction has several consequences. First, the prediction of the result of a Boolean circuit, given its inputs, is known to be a P-complete problem. The P-hardness of the following problem can be derived from this: for a given configuration and two given cells, decide whether or not the ant visits one of them before visiting the other. On the other hand, by drawing a circuit that calculates the rule of a one-dimensional cellular automata with a quiescent state, we can put the ant to reproduce the dynamics of a Universal Turing Machine. This implies the computational universality. More precisely, what we obtained was an infinite, periodic configuration of the grid, in which only a finite perturbation is required to write the "program"; then the ant, in its walk, will execute it in succesive rows, drawing the space-time diagram of the cellular automata and perfoming the programmed calculation, forever. By the way, we obtain the existence of undecidable questions about the dynamics of the ant (due to the existence of such questions for cellular automata and Turing machines). 

Some finite and infinite G(k,d) graphs

Bi-regular graphs

As we said above, we showed the computational universality of the ant on bi-regular graphs of degrees 3 and 4, which implies a very rich dynamics. On the other hand, the dynamics turns out to be much simpler for graphs of degrees 5 or greater, with important restriction to the movements of the ant, from which the known behavior on the triangular grid is a particular The ant can't go into the shadows case. More precisely: starting at a given position, there are large areas of the graph which the ant cannot reach. The succesive application of this restrictions shows that for finite initial configurations, the ant will always eventually start building a staircase of some kind (this, as we know, does not happen on the hexagonal grid, and is believed to happen in the square grid). One of the consequences of this is that the dynamics of the ant can be predicted for finite initial configurations. And even if the initial configuration is not finite, the behavior of the Growing symmetrical patterns ant turns out to be very simple, as shown by results obtained in the subject [5].

There are also important differences between the bi-regular graphs of degrees 3 and 4. Whereas for graphs of degree 4 (or greater) the trajectory of the ant is always unbounded, for graphs of degree 3 there is an infinity of initial configurations that lead to periodic (bounded) trajectories. Another special feature of graphs of degree 3 (and this holds for non bi-regular graphs too) is the symmetry observed for some initial configurations. It is shown that for a certain class of configurations, the ant returns systematically to the starting point, and if, in addition, the initial configuration has bilateral symmetry, then this symmetry is recovered each time the ant comes there. [4]

Finite graphs

The dynamics of the ant on finite graphs was also explored; the focus was on the relation between the size of the graph and the period of the system. It could be shown that in the simplest case, that of trees, Period grows exponentially the trajectory is a simple chain, and is therefore linearly bounded by the diameter of the graph. In a bigger class, that of the planarly represented graphs without strings in their cycles, the period of the trajectory of the ant is still linearly bounded in the size of the graph. If the restriction of planar representation is dropped, then there are families of graphs (even without strings in their cycles) where the period grows exponentially with the size of the graph; on the other hand, if strings are allowed in the cycles, then there are, too, simple examples of exponential growth (the graphs are in fact outerplanar subgraphs of the square grid). The last result was the construction of Boolean circuits; as we said above, this work was then carried over to the regular grids.

Dimension 1

In the one-dimensional case we studied all the possible rules for an ant-like agent, i.e., an arrow between cells, which can move forward or backward, changing or not its direction. We restricted, too, to the case of only two states in the cells. These restrictions produce 64 possible rules; since many of them are equivalent, we are left with a set of 14. The dynamics of the ant is very simple for all of these cases, and a detailed study can be done for each of them, determining the periods of the possible periodic trajectories, the speed of the ant's propagation according to the initial configuration, and the kind of stationary trajectory which is obtained for finite initial configurations [6].
Some one dimensional dynamics Some one dimensional dynamics Some one dimensional dynamics

Symbolic dynamics

In this work the trajectory of the ant is represented by the sequence of the states of the cells it visits. This is possible, since the trajectory is completely described by this sequence, if we know the starting position (and this position is irrelevant for bi-regular graphs). To each graph we can associate the set of all the possible sequences, corresponding to all the possible trajectories of the ant on it. This set is a "sub-shift", and its properties depend on the graph. Some relations between the properties of the ant and those of the symbolic systems can be established: unboundedness of trajectories is equivalent to the transitivy of the sub-shift, and the boundedness of the lengths of the cycles is equivalent to the regularity of the language. A result of particular interest is that in the case of bi-regular graphs of degrees greater or equal to 5, the associated sub-shift is a coded sub-shift [4,5].


The results have been presented in the following publications, whose electronic versions can be obtained by writing to Anahí Gajardo
. Reference [1] contains the proof of universality for the square grid. Reference [2] contains the study on finite graphs, as well as the results for bi-regular graphs of degrees five or more; it also contains the proof of universality in its more general version, with configurations for bi-regular graphs of degrees three and four. Reference [3] surveys the results on the complexity of the ant, for a non-specialized audience.

Last updated: 11-23-2005.
Contact: anahi at ing-mat dot udec dot cl