Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Concepción - Nº 5 - Marzo 2004


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Intendent Tohá
“The forum will permit us to give a big impulse
to our regional biotechnology programs”

What benefits does the Regional Government expect from the Global Biotechnology Forum taking place in Concepcion?

Considering that we have made biotechnology the corner stone of our efforts to generate integral economic development, this forum will surely provide a big impulse to our regional biotechnology programs: helping us make contact with actors that can strengthen our regional biotechnology center that is recently being built, develop alliances with institutions or universities from other parts of the world, and generate financing for the development of new programs y projects. For us, the forum is a very important window we can use to strengthen one of the fundamental bases of regional development: biotechnology.

In this context, do you believe that it is possible for this region to become the “region of biotechnology”?

We want to do what we need to do, and to do it well. If this generates the beginnings of a region that will become a pillar of biotechnology for the country, then even better.

Naturally, biotechnology is a fundamental component of every country’s development, but in our particular case, where our strengths lies in renewable natural resources, biotechnology has a very direct application in forestry richness, mining, and agro-industry, and its impact is clear and evident.


Intendente Jaime Tohá: “El foro permitirá darle un gran impulso a nuestros programas regionales de


Universidad de Concepción
® Universidad de Concepción
Dirección de Investigación