Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Concepción - Nº 5 - Marzo 2004


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Bioethanol: an ecologic fuel alternative

Given the scenario of a world energy crisis and faced with Chile’s dependence on external supply sources, interest has grown to research the development of alternative fuel sources. In this context, the large availability of vegetal biomass in Chile, and specifically in the Bio Bio region, constitutes an attractive prime material for ethanol elaboration.

When ethanol is obtained from biomass materials, it is referred to as bioethanol. Ethanol, as a bio-fuel, can be utilized in its pure form or as an oxygenated additive to gasoline. Among its many economic and environmental advantages is the increase in octane, the recirculation of CO2, improved emission quality, a decrease in energy dependence, and job generation.

With the objective of generating the necessary scientific and technological knowledge to produce bioethanol from forestry resources and to encourage installations of bioethanol production plants in the Bio Bio region, the faculties of Chemical Sciences and Forestry Sciences, through the Renewable Resource Laboratory, are developing an Innova Bío Bío project together with the Spanish company

Abengoa, a leader in bio-energy in Europe and the United States. Specifically, Abengoa is interested in evaluating the possibility of installing ethanol production plants in Concepción. This project
is a multi-disciplinary project with the participation of biochemists, chemists, biotechnologists, and forestry engineers.

The first stage of the project, initiated in October 2003, will last 27 months. After this period, Abengoa will evaluate whether or not the project should conclude with the installation of an industrial plant. The total cost of the project is $241 million pesos, of which Innova Bío Bío provides $106 million pesos (44%). Dr. Juanita Freer, project director, explains that, at the laboratory level, they will study two processes: hydrolysis or saccharification, and the subsequent fermentation of glucose until alcohol is obtained.

In the world, there are many ethanol production plants using renewable resources, especially agricultural resources. Chile, however, presents the particular characteristic of an abundant supply of forestry resources, and especially rapidly growing trees.

Furthermore, for the production of this fuel, high quality wood is not necessary, even sub-products of the pruning, harvesting, and sawing processes can be used.

Gasoline substitute

Bioethanol can replace gasoline either partially or completely; in its most common application, between 10 % and 15% of gasoline is used. As the alcohol level in the mixture increases, the combustion will liberate a lower quantity of contaminants into the atmosphere, especially CO.

“In highly contaminated cities, it is better to have fuels with a high proportion of oxygenated compounds, and even more in countries like Chile, it is better to obtain these fuels from existing renewable resources. We should not forget that our country is energetically dependent, and consequently the generation of an alternative fuel is highly favorable, including from an economic point of view”, indicates
the project director.

According to recent studies, it is possible to forecast an increasing international demand for ethanol in the short term, which makes the development of this technology of strategic importance for the country, and particularly for the Bio Bio region.


Bioetanol: alternativa ecológica en combustibles


Universidad de Concepción
® Universidad de Concepción
Dirección de Investigación