International Graduate Course

Ecophysiology of Photosynthesis:  Theoretical and Practical Approaches

(January 4 to 15, 2010)

This intensive theoretical–field course for graduate students spans two weeks, including lectures, seminars, and practical classes in the field. The course will utilize the Katalapi Park facilities to develop lectures, training in plant ecophysiological methods, and field sampling activities. The field course is designed as an intensive immersion experience, and demands stamina, endurance, social skills and patience. We will study topics related to ecophysiology of photosynthesis in terrestrial plants.


Dr. León A. Bravo (



· Jaume Flexas (U. Illes Balears)

· Adrienne Nicotra (ANU)


· Claudio Pastenes (U. de Chile)

· Nicolás Frank (U. de Chile)

· Hernán M. Cabrera (PUCV)

· Rafael Coopman (UACH)

Dr. Alfredo Saldaña (

Dr. Luis Corcuera (


Registration fee and fellowships:

Students $150.000 (US$250); non students $300.000 (US$500) .

This fee includes registration, food and lodging, and course materials.

A few fellowships are available. Fellowships applications:



Course Brochure

Application Form and Instructions

Payment Instructions (Spanish)

Travel Information (download PDF)

Summer School Norms (Spanish)

General Program (Spanish)

List of Selected Students (download PDF)

Course Schedule (download PDF)










Sponsored by:                                               

Departamento de Botánica (UdeC), Escuela de Verano (UdeC), Instituto de Silvicultura, (UACH), Parque Katalapi, Mecesup UCO0214, Fondecyt 1090397 (International Coop.),