Ficha de Docente
  Nombre   Eduardo Sandoval Alamos
  Carácter del vínculo   Permanente
  Grado Máximo   Ph D
  Institución o país que otorgó el Grado   University of Texas. UTPA.
  Año de graduación   2001
  Área principal de investigación   International Business/Finance
  Número de tesis Magíster   Dirigidas: -
  Doctorado   dirigidas: -

Lista de Publicaciones en Journals

Diversificación Internacional de los Fondos de Pensiones: El Caso Chileno; 1981-1993.
Revista Panorama Socioeconómico. Universidad de Talca. N° 16. Junio 1996.

Financial Performance Measures and Shareholder Value Creation. An Empirical Study for Chilean Companies.
Journal Of Applied Business Research, Volume 17, Number 3 Summer 2001.

The Conditional Relationship between Portfolio Beta and Return. Evidence from Latin America.
Journal of Latin American Studies. Cuadernos de Economía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Volume 41, Nº 122, ps 65-89, April 2004.

Managerial Performance Measures and Shareholder Value Creation. The Case of Latin America Companies.
Journal of Business and Economic Research, Volume 3, Number 9 September 2005.

Measuring Security Price Performance Using Chilean Daily Stock Returms. The Event Study Method.
Journal of Latin American Studies. Cuadernos de Economía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Volume 42, Nº 126, ps 307-328, November 2005.

The Effect of Exchange Rate Risk on the Conditional Relationship between Beta Risk and Return in Internatiuonal Equity Markets.
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. (En revisión 2005)


Conferencias y Publicaciones en Proceedings

"Chilean Real Exchange Rate Behavior and Economic Performance."
Presentation and Publication. 2000 International Applied Business Research Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 2000.

"Stock Market Integration Between South American Countries and The United States."
Presentation and Publication. 2000 International Applied Business Research Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 2000.

"Financial Performance Measures and Shareholder Value Creation. An Empirical Study for Chilean Companies." Presentation and Publication. 2000 Meeting of the American Academy of Accouting and Finance. New Orleans, December 2000.

"International Portfolio Diversification and Currency Risk for Chilean Investors. "
Presentation and Publication. 2000 Meeting of the American Academy of Accouting and Finance. New Orleans, December 2000.

"Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Exports: The Case of Chile during the '90s"
Presentation and Publication. 2002 International Applied Business Research Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 2002.

"Los Atentados Terroristas del 11/09/01 y su efecto sobre la volatilidad en los retornos y riqueza de los accionistas."
Un estudio de eventos para los países desarrollados G7 y Latinoamericanos. ENEFA. Universidad de Talca. Chile. 2002

"Volatilidad del tipo de cambio y exportaciones sectoriales. Evidencia para Chile. 1990-2000."
II Encuentro de Finanzas. USACH. Santiago, Chile, January 2002.

"Eficiencia Económica y Retornos Anormales. Evidencia en los Mercados Accionarios Latinoamericanos en la Última Decada." III Encuentro de Finanzas. USACH. Santiago, Chile, January 2003.

"Risk, Return and Integration of Latin American Stock Markets."
IV Encuentro Internacional de Finanzas. USACH. Viña del Mar, Chile. January 2004

"The Effects of Managerial Performance Measures on Shareholders Value Creation across Countries and Industries." Presentation and Publication. 2005 International Applied Business Research Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 2005

Profesor guía de tesis.
Títulos traducidos al inglés

  1. Financial Performance of Chilean Mutual Funds. 1995
  2. Diversification and Performance Evaluation of Pension Funds in Chile. 1995
  3. Analysis of Stock Market Returns and the Effect on Shareholder Wealth after the Announcement of an Acquisition. The Case of Banks Santiago and O´higgins. 1997
  4. The Impact of Quarterly Financial Reports on Daily Chilean Stock Returns. Empirical Analysis. 4th Quarter, 1995. 1996
  5. The Effect of Legal Financial Framework on the Chilean Pension Funds Performance. 1997
  6. Multivariate Analysis. An application to the Chilean Banking, 1997
  7. A Comparative Analysis of the Cost of Capital for Chilean Electric Power Companies. 1998.
  8. Financial Performance Analysis of Portfolios Built with Traditional Financial Ratios. The Chilean Case. 1998.
  9. A Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance of Mutual Funds versus Portfolios Built with Markowitz's Techniques. The Chilean Case. 1998
  10. A Comparative Analysis of the Risk-Return Determinants in the South American Electric Power Industries. 2002
  11. International Financial Performance of Equity Markets. 2003
  12. Managerial Performance Measures and Shareholder Value Creation in Latin American Companies. 2003
  13. The Effect of September 11th, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on the Main Stock Markets Returns. 2003