Juan A. Tapia LadinoProfessor |
Contact |
Electrical Engineering Department Office 216, Engineering Building Postal Box 160-C Concepción, CHILE |
Phone: +56-(41)-220-3507 Fax: +56-(41)-2246999 email: juan.tapia@udec.cl |
Education |
1992- Electrical Civil Engineering |
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Concepción - Chile |
1997 – Master of Science on Electrical Engineering |
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Concepción - Chile |
2002 – Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.) |
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison. USA |
2023-25 Responsible researcher. Chilean Fund for Scientific and Technological Development Agency Project (FONDECYT) “Robust design procedure for optimal electric machine design with reduced computational burden”
2022-23 Responsible researcher. Scientific and Technological Development Support Fund (FONDEF ID21I10099) “Desarrollo de un prototipo de motor sincrónico de reluctancia para movilidad industrial y urbana”
2020-22 Responsible researcher. Chilean Fund for Scientific and Technological Development Agency Project (FONDECYT) “Multiphysic design approach of electric machinery for heavy duty applications”
2017-19 Responsible researcher. Chilean Fund for Scientific and Technological Development Agency Project (FONDECYT) “Optimal electromagnetic design procedure of high torque density electric machinery”
2017-18 Responsible researcher. Scientific and Technological Development Support Fund (FONDEF) “Desarrollo, Evaluación y Validación Tecnológica a Escala Semi-Industrial de un Motor Eléctrico de Alto Rendimiento para Aumentar la Producción y Mejorar la Eficiencia Energética en Minería”
2017-20 Responsible Co-researcher. Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED) “Microrredes Eléctricas Inteligentes Híbridas con Alta Penetración de Energías Renovables"
2013-15 Responsible researcher. Chilean Fund for Scientific and Technological Development Agency Project (FONDECYT) “Optimal design and construction of an axial flux, permanent magnet, concentrate winding electrical motor for traction application”
2010-14 Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES): “LUT GSEEE FiDiPro Fellowship in Permanent magnet machines”. 2010-2014. Co-investigador, Lappeenranta University of Technology. Finland"
2009-10 Co-responsible researcher. Chilean Council for Scientific and Technological Development Agency Project (FONDEF), “Development and manufacture of high efficiency wind turbine at low wind speed”."
2007-09 Responsible researcher from Chilean Fund for Scientific and Technological Development Agency Project (FONDECYT) “Design and construction of an axial flux electric machine with interior permanent magnet”
2005-06 Chilean responsible for the International Internship for undergraduate on Advance Research Center sponsored by Fundacion Andes-Chile. American counterpart Thomas A. Lipo at Wisconsin Electric Machine and Power Electronic Consortium at University of Wisconsin-Madison"
2004-06 Responsible researcher. Chilean Fund for Scientific and Technological Development Agency Project (FONDECYT) “Design and Construction of a Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines with Field Weakening Capability” total fund US$100.000 (aprox.)"
Danilo Riquelme, Carlos Madariaga, Werner Jara, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Juan A. Tapia, Javier Riedemann, "Study on Stator-Rotor Misalignment in Modular Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Different Slot/Pole Combinations," .” Applied Science, 2023. https:// doi.org/10.3390/app13052777
Cesar Gallardo, Carlos Madariaga, Juan A. Tapia, Michele Degano, "A Method to Determine the Torque Ripple Harmonic Reduction in Skewed Synchronous Reluctance Machines," .” Applied Science, 2023. https:// doi.org/10.3390/app13052949
Alvaro E. Hoffer, Roberto H. Moncada, Boris J. Pavez-Lazo, Juan A. Tapia ,a, and Lasse Laurila, "Calculation of a Current-Vector Trajectory for Enhanced Operation of Synchronous Reluctance Generators Including Saturation," .” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2023. 10.1109/TIE.2022.3161820
Cesar Gallardo, Juan A. Tapia , Michele Degano, Hanafy Mahmoud, "Accurate Analytical Model for Synchronous Reluctance Machine with Multiple Flux Barriers Considering the Slotting Effect," .” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2022. 10.1109/TMAG.2022.31894833
Alvaro E. Hoffer; Ilya Petrov; Juha J. Pyrhönen; Juan A. Tapia "Stainless-Core Submersible Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine," IEEE Access, 2021, Pag.(s): 28089 – 28100. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3058593
C. G. Rodriguez , D. Zambrano, S. Reyes, Juan A. Tapia, M. Egusquiza , and E. Egusquiza "Dynamic Model for Axial Motion of Horizontal Pelton Turbine and Validation in Actual Failure Case," Electronics 9. 2020
Carlos Madariaga, Werner Jara, Danilo Riquelme, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Juan A. Tapia, Javier Riedemann "Impact of Tolerances on the Cogging Torque of Tooth-Coil-Winding PMSMs with Modular Stator Core by Means of Efficient Superposition Technique," Electronics 9. 2020
Alvaro E. Hoffer, Ilya Petrov, Juha J. Pyrhönen, Juan A. Tapia, Gerd Bramerdorfer "Analysis of Tooth-Coil Winding Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine with Unequal Teeth Width," IEEE Access, Vol.: 8, No: 3 , Año 2020 , Pag.(s): 71512 - 71524
J. Riedemann; C. Pesce, W. Jara, R. Moncada, Juan A. Tapia, R. Peña "Direct Power Control Strategy for an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine," Electrical Engineering. Springer, Año 2019
C. Madariaga; W. Jara; Juan A. Tapia; J. Pyrhonen; P-Lindh, J. Riedemann "Closed-Form Solution for the Slot Leakage Inductance of Tooth-Coil-Winding Permanent Magnet Machines," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.: 34 , No: 3 , Año 2019 , Pag.(s): 1572 - 1580
Gerd Bramerdorfer; Juan A. Tapia; Juha Pyrhonen; Andrea Cavagnino, "Modern Electrical Machine Design Optimization: Techniques, Trends, and Best Practices," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.: 65 , No: 10 , Año 2018 , Pag.(s): 7672 - 7684
R. Moncada, A. Hoffer, B. Pavez, Juan A. Tapia "A Novel Method for Finite-Element Modeling of a Commercial Synchronous Reluctance Machine," IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol.: 16 , No: 3 , Año 2018 , Pag.(s): 806 - 812
Andrea Cavagnino,Gerd Bramerdorfer, Juan A. Tapia "Optimization of Electric Machine Designs-Part II," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.: 65 , No: 2 , Año 2018 , Pag.(s): 1700-1703
Andrea Cavagnino,Gerd Bramerdorfer, Juan A. Tapia, "Optimization of Electric Machine Designs-Part I," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.: 64 , No: 12 , Año 2017 , Pag.(s): 9716-9720
M. Tapia, A. Hoffer, Juan A. Tapia, R. Wallace "Simulation and Analysis of an Axial Flux Induction Machine," IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol.: 15 , No: 7 , Año 2017 , Pag.(s): 1263 - 1269
W. Jara, P. Lindh, Juan A. Tapia, I. Petrov, A. K. Repo, J. Pyrhönen "Rotor Eddy Current Losses Reduction in an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.: 63 , No: 8 , Año 2016 , Pag.(s): 4729-4737
M. Polikarpova, P. Ponomarev, P. Lindh, I. Petrov, W. Jara, V. Naumanen, Juan A. Tapia, J. Pyrhönen, "Hybrid Cooling Method of Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Machines for Vehicle Applications," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.: 62 , No: 12 , Año 2015 , Pag.(s): 7382-7390
Pia Lindl, Juho Montonen, Paula Immonen, Juan A. Tapia, Juha Pyrhönen, "Design of a Traction Motor with Tooth-Coil Windings and Embedded Magnets," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.: 61 , No: 8 , Año 2014 , Pag.(s): 4306 - 4314
K. Kamiev, J. Pyrhönen, J. Nerg, V. Zaboin, Juan A. Tapia "Modelling and Testing of an Armature-Reaction-Compensated Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.: 28 , No: 4 , Año 2013 , Pag.(s): 849 - 859
Katteden Kamiev, Juho Montonen, Ragavendra, M. P., Juha Pyrhönen, Juan A. Tapia, Markku Niemelä, "Design Principles of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Parallel Hybrid or Traction Applications," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronic, Vol.60, No. 11, Nov. 2013
Juan A. Tapia, Juha Pyrhönen, Jussi Puranen, Soren Nyman, Pia Lindh, "Optimal Design of Large Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators for Wind Power Applications." ,IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol.49, No. 1, Part. 3, Jan. 2013
P. Lindh, M. Rilla, H. Jussila, J. Nerg, J. A. Tapia-Ladino, and J. Pyrhönen, "Interior permanent magnet motors for traction application with non-overlapping concentrated windings and with integer slot windings" ,International Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E.), Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Jul-Aug 2011
David Lara, Gabriel Merino, Boris Pavez Juan A. Tapia, "Efficiency assessment of a wind pumping system" ,Elsevier: Energy Conversion and Management, Volume: 52, Issue: 2, Feb 2011
Roberto H. Moncada, Juan A. Tapia, Thomas M. Jahns,"Analysis of Negative Saliency Permanent-Magnet Machines" , EEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics Vol. 57, No. 1, 2010
M. Aníbal Valenzuela, Juan A. Tapia, “Heat Transfer and Thermal Design of Finned Frames for TEFC Variable-Speed Motors”, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics Vol. 55, No. 10, 2008
Delvis A. González-Lopez, Juan A. Tapia, Rogel Wallace, and Anibal Valenzuela, “Design and Test of an Axial Flux Permanent-Magnet Machine with Field Control Capability” IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol. 44, No. 9, 2008
Delvis A. González, Juan. A. Tapia, Alvaro Letelier, “Design Consideration to Reduce Cogging Torque in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 43, No. 8, 2007
A. Letelier, J.A. Tapia, R. R. Wallace, M. A. Valenzuela, “Cogging Torque Reduction in an Axial Flux PM Machine with Extended Speed Range”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. May/Jun 2007
J.A. Tapia, D. Gonzalez, R. Wallace, A. Valenzuela. “Axial Flux Surface Mounted PM Machine with Field Weakening Capability” Recent Developments of Electrical Drives. Best papers from the International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM'04. Editorial Springer 2006. Pag.321-334
M. A. Valenzuela,J. A Tapia,, J. A. Rooks, “Thermal Evaluation of TEFC Induction Motors Operating on Frequency-Controlled Variable-Speed Drive” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2004
J. A Tapia, F. Leonardi, T. A. Lipo, “Consequent Pole Permanent Magnet Machine with Field Weakening Capability” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 39, No. 6, 2003
J. A. Tapia, F. Leonardi, T.A. Lipo, “The Consequent-Pole Permanent-Magnet Machine: a Synchronous Permanent-Magnet Machine with Field Weakening”, Journal ELECTROMOTION, No 3, Vol 9, 2002
AC Permanent Magnet Electric Machine Design
Permanent Magnet Machine Control
Numerical Solution of Electromagnetic Field
last update, May 2016