SILVIO PANTOJA G. Proyectos de Investigación en cursoInvestigador Responsable.
The Role of Methane in the Coastal Ocean as an Alternative Carbon Fuel for the Microbial Community and Secondary Production. FONDECYT 1080623
Investigador Principal y SubDirector. Centro de Investigación Oceanográfica en el Pacífico Sur-Oriental (
Centro FONDAP COPAS ). CONICYT 15010007
Director Ejecutivo.
Aplicaciones de la Oceanografía para el Desarrollo Económico Sustentable de la de la Zona Sur-Austral de Chile (COPAS Sur Austral). PROGRAMA DE FINANCIAMIENTO BASAL PARA CENTROS CIENTÍFICOS Y TECNOLÓGICOS DE EXCELENCIA. CONICYT
The Role of Silicon on Phytoplankton Blooms in the Chilean Fjord System: The Impact of Past and Future Scenarios of Variable Freshwater Streamflow on Marine Productivity. FONDECYT 1080187
Investigador Principal. Programa de Investigación Marina de Excelencia del Ecosistema aledaño a la desembocadura del Río Itata.
Capacidad degradativa del sistema costero bajo influencia de surgencia y condiciones óxicas y suboxicas.Investigador Principal. Proyecto Semilla PATAGONIA- Universidad de Concepción.
Holocene temperature changes in the Chilean FjordsDirector Grant Fundación Andes E-13852.
Consolidating Advanced Research and Higher Education in Ocean Sciences at the University of Concepcion. University of Concepción/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/Fundación Andes.
Co-investigador. Local patterns of shallow Antarctic echinoderms with contrasting developmental modes: the relative importance of predation, food availability and ice-related disturbances. Instituto Antártico Chileno (INACH).
Administración Académica Catedra UNESCO IOC en Oceanografía Educación PublicacionesMarcelo H Gutiérrez, Silvio Pantoja, Carina Lange. 2012. Biogeochemical significance of fatty acid distribution in the coastal upwelling ecosystem off Concepción (36°S), Chile. Organic Geochemistry 49, 56-67
Sébastien Bertrand, Konrad Hughen, Julio Sepulveda, Silvio Pantoja. 2012. Geochemistry of surface sediments from the fjords of Northern Chilean Patagonia (44-47°S): Spatial variability and implications for paleoclimate reconstructions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 76 125-14
David Völker, Jacob Geersen, Eduardo Contreras-Reyes, Javier Sellanes, Silvio Pantoja, Christian Reichert, Martin Block, Wilhelm Reimer Weinrebe. 2012. Morphology and geology of the continental shelf and upper slope of southern Central Chile (33°S-43°S). International Journal of Earth Sciences DOI: 10.1007/s00531-012-0795-y
S Pantoja, M. H. Gutiérrez, P. Ampuero, E. Tejos. 2011. Degradation capability of the coastal environment adjacent to the Itata River in central Chile (36.5ºS). Biogeosciences 8, 2063-2074. Sánchez, CB Lange, HE González, G Vargas, P Muñoz, C Cisternas, S Pantoja. Siliceous microorganisms in the upwelling center off Concepción, Chile (36° S): Preservation in surface sediments and downcore fluctuations during the past ~150 years. Progress in Oceanography 92 50-65. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2011.07.014
R Torres, S Pantoja, N Harada, H E Gonzalez, G Daneri, M Frangopulos, J A Rutllant, C M Duarte, S Rúiz-Halpern, E Mayol , M Fukasawa. 2011. Air-sea CO2 fluxes along the coast of Chile: From CO2 outgassing in central-northern upwelling waters to CO2 uptake in southern Patagonian fjords. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, C09006, 17 PP., doi:10.1029/2010JC006344
Sébastien Bertrand, Konrad Hughen, Julio Sepulveda, Silvio Pantoja. 2011. Geochemistry of surface sediments from the fjords of Northern Chilean Patagonia (44-47°S): Spatial variability and implications for paleoclimate reconstructions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 76 125-146
Inostroza A, S Pantoja, RR González. 2011. Actividad enzimática de metanótrofos marinos y su uso potencial en biorremediación. Gayana 75, 157-165
Javier Sellanes-López, Germán Zapata-Hernández, Silvio Pantoja, Gerdhard L. Jessen. 2011. Chemosynthetic trophic support for the benthic community at an intertidal cold seep site at Mocha Island off central Chile. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 95 431-439
Verena Salman, Rudolf Amann, Anne-Christin Girnth, Lubos Polerecky, Jake V. Bailey, Signe Høgslund, Gerdhard Jessen, Silvio Pantoja, Heide N. Schulz-Vogt. 2011. A single-cell sequencing approach to the classification of large, vacuolated sulfur bacteria. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 34, 243-259
S. Pantoja, JL Iriarte, GD Daneri. 2011. Oceanography of the Chilean Patagonia. Continental Shelf Research 31, 149-153
J. A. Díaz-Ochoa, S. Pantoja, G. J. De Lange, C. B. Lange, G. E. Sánchez S., V. R. Acuña, P. Muñoz, G. Vargas. 2011. Oxygenation variability in Mejillones Bay, off northern Chile, during the last two centuries.
Biogeosciences 8, 137-146GL Jessen, S Pantoja, MA Gutiérrez, RA Quiñones, RR González, J Sellanes, M Kellermann, K-U Hinrichs . 2011. Methane in shallow cold seeps at Mocha Island off central Chile. Continental Shelf Research doi:10.1016/j.csr.2010.12.012
Sergio Contreras, Silvio Pantoja, Carina B. Lange, Gaute Lavik, Daniel Rincón-Martínez, Marcel M.M. Kuypers. 2010. A rainy northern Atacama Desert during the last interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 37, L23612, doi:10.1029/2010GL045728, 2010
Julio Sepúlveda, Silvio Pantoja, Konrad A. Hughen. 2011. Sources and distribution of organic matter in northern Patagonia fjords, Chile (~44-47°S): A multi-tracer approach for carbon cycling assessment. Continental Shelf Research
M. H. Gutiérrez, S. Pantoja, E. Tejos, R. A. Quiñones. 2011. Extracellular enzymatic hydrolysis in the upwelling ecosystem off Chile: The role of fungi processing marine organic matter. Marine Biology 158, 205-219
L Rebolledo, H E González, P Muñoz, J L Iriarte, CB Lange, S Pantoja, M Salamanca. 2011. Siliceous productivity changes in Gulf of Ancud sediments (42° S, 72° W), southern Chile, over the last ~150 years. Continental Shelf Research doi:10.1016/j.csr.2010.06.015
C Aracena, CB Lange, JL Iriarte, L Rebolledo, S Pantoja. 2011. Latitudinal patterns of export production recorded in surface sediments of the Chilean Patagonia fjords (41-55° S) as a response to water column productivity. Continental Shelf Research doi:10.1016/j.csr.2010.08.008
Marcelo H. Gutiérrez, Silvio Pantoja, Renato A. Quiñones, Rodrigo R. González. 2010. First record of filamentous fungi in the coastal upwelling ecosystem off Concepción, Chile. Gayana 74, 66-73
Sergio Contreras, Silvio Pantoja, Carina B Lange, Gaute Lavik, Daniel Rincón-Martínez, Marcel M.M. Kuypers. 2010. A rainy northern Atacama Desert during the last interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 37, L23612, doi:10.1029/2010GL045728, 2010
MC Krautz, S Vásquez, LR Castro, M González, A Llanos-Rivera, S Pantoja. 2010. Changes of metabolic substrates during the early developmental stages of anchoveta engraulis ringens (Jenyns 1842) in the Humboldt Current.. Marine Biology DOI 10.1007/s00227-010-1395-7
P Jopia, N Ruiz-Tagle, M Villagrán, K Sossa, S Pantoja, Rueda, H Urrutia, 2010. Biofilm growth kinetics of a monomethylamine producing Alphaproteobacteria strain isolated from an anaerobic reactor. Anaerobe. 16, 19-26
González HE, Daneri G, Iriarte JL, Yannicelli B, Menschel E, Barría C, Pantoja S, Lizárraga L. 2009. Carbon fluxes within the epipelagic zone of the Humboldt Current System off Chile: The significance of euphausiids and diatoms as key functional groups for the biological pump. Progress in Oceanography 83, 217-227
JC Orr, K Caldeira, V Fabry, J-P Gattuso, P Haugan , P Lehodey, S Pantoja, H-O Pörtner , U Riebesell, T Trull, E Urban, M Hood, W Broadgate. 2009. Research Priorities for Understanding Ocean Acidification: Summary from the Second Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. Oceanography 22 (4), 182-189
Silvio Pantoja, Pamela Rossel, Rodrigo Castro, Luis A. Cuevas, Giovanni Daneri, Candy Córdova. 2009. Microbial degradation rates of small peptides and amino acids in the OMZ of Chilean coastal waters. Deep-Sea Research II 56, 1055-1062
Osvaldo Ulloa, Silvio Pantoja. 2009. The oxygen minimum zone of the eastern South Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 56, 987-991
Magaly Caniupán, Tania Villaseñor, Silvio Pantoja, Carina B Lange, Gabriel Vargas, Práxedes Muñoz, Marco Salamanca. 2009. Sedimentos laminados de la Bahía Mejillones registran cambios temporales en la productividad fitoplanctónica de los últimos ~200 años. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 82, 83-96
Luisa F. Espinosa, Silvio Pantoja, Luis A Pinto, Jürgen Rullkötter. 2009. Water column distribution of phospholipid-derived fatty acids of marine microorganisms in the Humboldt Current System off Northern Chile. Deep-Sea Research II 56, 1063-1072
J.A. Díaz-Ochoa, C.B. Lange, S. Pantoja, G.J. De Lange, D. Gutiérrez, P. Muñoz, M. Salamanca. 2009. Preservation of fish scales in sediments from off Callao, central Peru. Deep-Sea Research II 56, 1124-1135
Julio Sepulveda, Silvio Pantoja, Konrad A Hughen, Sébastien Bertrand, Dante Figueroa, Carina Lange. 2009. Late Holocene sea-surface temperature and precipitation variability in northern Patagonia, Chile (Jacaf Fjord, 44°S). Quaternary Research 72, 400-409
Daniel M. Sigman, Peter J. DiFiore, Mathis Hain, Curtis Deutsch, Yi Wang, David M. Karl, Angela N. Knapp, Moritz F. Lehmann, Silvio Pantoja. 2009. The dual isotopes of deep nitrate as a constraint on the cycle and budget of oceanic fixed nitrogen. Deep-Sea Research I 56, 1419-1439
GE Sánchez, S Pantoja, CB Lange, HE González, G Daneri. 2008. Seasonal changes in particulate biogenic and lithogenic silica in the upwelling system off Concepción (~36ºS), Chile, and their relationship to fluctuations in marine productivity and continental input. Continental Shelf Research 28, 2594–2600
Lorena Rebolledo, Julio Sepúlveda, Carina Lange, Silvio Pantoja, Sébastien Bertrand, Konrad Hughen, Dante Figueroa. 2008. Marine productivity and late Holocene climate changes in Northern Patagonia during the last 1,800 years inferred from a multi-proxy analysis of Jacaf channel sediments (Chile, 44° S). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 80(3), 314-322
SK Enders, M Pagani, S Pantoja, JS Baron, AP Wolfe, N Pedentchouk, LNuñez. 2008. Compound-specific stable isotopes of organic compounds from lake sediments track recent environmental changes in an alpine ecosystem, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado [United States of America]. Limnology and Oceanography 53, 1468-1478
Mahyar Mohtadi, Pamela Rossel, Carina B. Lange, Silvio Pantoja, Philipp Böning, Daniel J. Repeta, Maik Grunwald, Frank Lamy, Dierk Hebbeln, Hans-Jürgen Brumsack. Deglacial pattern of circulation and marine productivity in the upwelling region off central-south Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (accepted)
Gabriel Vargas, Silvio Pantoja, José A Rutllant, Carina B Lange, Luc Ortlieb. Enhancement of coastal upwelling and interdecadal ENSO-like variability in the Peru-Chile Current since late 19th century. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L13607, doi:10.1029/2006GL028812. (
Reprint request)
Silvio Pantoja, Pamela Rossel, Rodrigo Castro, Luis A. Cuevas, Giovanni Daneri, Candy Córdova. Microbial degradation rates of small peptides and amino acids in the OMZ of Chilean coastal waters. Deep-Sea Research II (accepted).
Sergio Contreras, Silvio Pantoja, Carlos Neira, Carina B Lange. Biogeochemistry of surface sediments off Concepción (~36°S), Chile: El Niño vs. non-El Niño conditions. Progress in Oceanography 75 (2007) 576–585.
Luisa F. Espinosa, Silvio Pantoja, Luis A Pinto, Jürgen Rullkötter. Water column distribution of phospholipid-derived fatty acids of marine microorganisms in the Humboldt Current System off Northern Chile. Deep-Sea Research II (accepted)
James C. Orr, Silvio Pantoja, Hans-Otto Pörtner. 2005. The Ocean in a High CO2 World: An Introduction. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, C09S01, doi:10.1029/2005JC003086. (
Reprint request)
Lihini I. Aluwihare, Daniel J. Repeta, Silvio Pantoja and Carl G. Johnson. 2005. Two chemically distinct pools of organic nitrogen accumulate in the ocean. Science, 308, 1007-1010. (
Reprint request)
Julio Sepúlveda, Silvio Pantoja, Konrad Hughen, Carina Lange, Fidelina Gonzalez, Práxedes Muñoz, Lorena Rebolledo, Rodrigo Castro, Sergio Contreras, Alejandro Avila, Pamela Rossel, Gisella Lorca, Marco Salamanca, Nelson Silva. 2005. Fluctuations in export productivity over the last century from sediments of a southern Chilean fjord (44oS). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 65, 587-600. (
Reprint request)
L. Rebolledo, C. B. Lange, S. Pantoja, P Muñoz, D. Figueroa, R. Castro. 2005. 20th century fluctuations in the abundance of siliceous microorganisms preserved in the sediments of the Puyuhuapi Channel (44° S), Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78:469-488. (
Reprint request)
Ralph Cicerone, James Orr, Peter Brewer, Peter Haugan, Liliane Merlivat, Takashi Ohsumi, Silvio Pantoja, Hans-Otto Poertner, Maria Hood, Ed Urban. 2004. The Ocean in a High-CO2 World. Oceanography, 17(3), 72-78. (
Reprint request)
S Pantoja, J Sepúlveda and H González. 2004. Decomposition of sinking proteinaceous material in the oxygen minimum zone off northern Chile. Deep-Sea Research I, 51, 55-70. (
Reprint request)
S Pantoja and C Lee. 2003. Amino acid remineralization and ammonium production in Chilean coastal sediments with and without filamentous bacterial mats. Organic Geochemistry, 34, 1047-1056. (
Reprint request)
S Pantoja, DJ Repeta, JP Sachs and D Sigman. 2002. Stable isotope constraints on the nitrogen cycle of the Mediterranean Sea water column. Deep-Sea Research I 49, 1609-1621.
(Reprint request) Editor's choice SCIENCE: Fixed locally. Science October 11, 2002, 298 (5592).
S Pantoja and C Lee. 1999. Molecular weight distribution of protein in Long Island Sound sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44, 1323-1330. (
Reprint request)
S Pantoja and C Lee. 1999. Peptide decomposition by extracellular hydrolysis in coastal seawater and salt marsh sediment. Mar. Chem. 63, 273-291. (
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MR Mulholland, PM Glibert, GM Berg, L Van Heukelem, S Pantoja and C Lee. 1998.
Extracellular amino acid oxidation by microplankton: A cross-ecosystem comparison. Aq. Microb. Ecol. 15, 141-152.TG Ferdelman, C Lee, S Pantoja, J Harder and H Fossing. 1997. Sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in a Thioploca-dominated sediment off the coast of Chile. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 3065-3079. (
Reprint request)
S Pantoja, C Lee and JF Marecek. 1997. Hydrolysis of peptides in seawater and sediment. Mar. Chem. 57, 25-40. (
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SH Jónasdóttir, D Fields and S Pantoja. 1995.
Copepod egg production in Long Island Sound as a function of the chemical composition of seston. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 119, 87-98.
S Pantoja and C Lee. 1994. Cell-surface oxidation of amino acids in seawater. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39, 1718-1726. (
Reprint request)
S Pantoja, C Lee, JF Marecek and BP Palenik. 1993. Synthesis and use of fluorescent molecular probes for measuring cell-surface enzymatic oxidation of amino acids and amines in seawater. Anal. Biochem. 211, 210-218. (
Reprint request)
LibrosReport of the National Academies of the US
MH Feeley, S Pantoja (Co-Presidentes). Increasing Capacity for Stewarship of Oceans and Coasts. A priority for the 21st century. The National Academies Press. ISBN 978-0-309-11376-2, 141 pp.
Capítulos de LibrosLuisa-Fernanda Espinosa, Silvio Pantoja, Jürgen Rullkötter. Application of Gas Chromatography in a Study of Marine Biogeochemistry. Cap. 5, pp. 97-116. En: Gas Chromatography - Biochemicals, Narcotics and Essential Oils (B Salih and Çelikbiçak, editores). InTech, Croacia. ISBN 978-953-51-0295-3
Silvio Pantoja, José L Iriarte, Marcelo Gutiérrez, Carolina Calvete. The Southern Chile Continental Margin. En: Carbon and nutrient fluxes in continental margins (K.K. Liu, L. Atkinson, R. Quiñones, L. Talaue-McManus, editores). Springer, Berlin, pp. 265-273. ISBN 978-3-540-92734-1
Salamanca MA, S Pantoja. 2009. Caracterización química de la zona marina adyacente a la desembocadura del río Itata. En: La Cuenca Hidrográfica del Río Itata: Aportes Científicos para su Gestión Sustentable. O Parra, JC Castilla, H Romero, R Quiñones, A Camaño (eds.) Universidad de Concepción, Chile, pp- 177-191
S. Pantoja, P. Rossel y S. Contreras. 2005. Ciclos Biogeoquímicos Marinos. Capítulo 22. En:
Biología Marina y Oceanografía: Conceptos y Procesos (C. Werlinger, ed.). Consejo Nacional del Libro y la Lectura, y Universidad de Concepción. Pp. 499-518.
S Pantoja. 2000. Organic chemical reaction rates in the ocean: Molecular approaches to studying extracellular biochemical processes. Chapter 6: 141-158. In: Chemical Processes in the Marine Environment (A Gianguzza, E Pelizetti and S Sammartano, eds). Springer-Verlag.
S Pantoja and SG Wakeham. 2000. Marine Organic Geochemistry: A General Overview. Chapter 2: 43-74. In: Chemical Processes in the Marine Environment (A Gianguzza, E Pelizetti and S Sammartano, eds). Springer-Verlag.
ReviewerLimnology and Oceanography, Deep-Sea Research, Biogeochemistry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, Marine Chemistry, Limnology and Oceanography Methods, Organic Geochemistry, National Science Foundation (Chemical Oceanography), The Petroleum Research Fund, National Fund for Science and Technology (FONDECYT, EXPLORA, Chile)